The Approach

In Fall 2018, in partnership with Career Technical Education Foundation of Sonoma County and Sonoma County Office of Education, we began conducting workshops and facilitating conversations. We reached out to educators, parents, and business leaders to build consensus on the tools, mindsets, and skills our kids need to be successful.

Sonoma County Portrait of a Graduate was developed by a diverse team of community leaders, educators, parents, government officials — all working together to create a collective picture of success for our students. A collaboration between Sonoma County Office of Education, Career Technical Education Foundation, and Cradle to Career, we enlisted the voluntary help of over 50 people to help ensure this project represented the widest range of ideas and perspectives as possible.


The Design Team

The Design Team is a diverse collection of voices who recognize that the future will not wait for our kids. Community members from the following groups came together for this conversation:

  • PreK-12 education (teachers, counselors, and administrators)

  • Higher education (SRJC and SSU)

  • Small, medium, and large employers representing multiple industry sectors

  • County government

  • Funders

  • Community-based organizations

  • Parent groups 
